Josˇ Mart’

El Maestro de las Amˇricas

Mart’ exemplifies the intellectual activist. He believed that by thinking for ourselves, thinking creatively, and working together, we can transform ourselves, our social conditions, our nations, and the world. He is also AmericaÕs consummate writer and poet.  His prose seamlessly combines factual information and figurative language, rationality and intuition. He speaks to peopleÕs souls and intellects and moves their passions. Mart’ life and work continue inspire leaders, mobilize the people, and convey truth in the service of self-development, freedom, justice, and dignity for everyone. ŅCon todos y para el bien de todos.Ó With all and for the good of all.

You can read more about Mart’ in The Politics of Letters: Josˇ Mart’Õs Revolutionary Discourse. Doctoral Thesis, University of Toronto, 2006.

Thesis Abstract Š The Politics of Letters: Josˇ Mart’Õs Revolutionary Discourse. Doctor of Philosophy, University of Toronto, 2006

Nuestra Amˇrica

Profile of a Revolutionary
Josˇ Mart’: An Informal Introduction

Josˇ Mart’ Chronology
Re-imagining the Nation: Josˇ Mart’ and Franz Fanon

Analysis and Critique of Josˇ Mart’'s Nuestra Amˇrica

Basket of Flames: A Biography of
Josˇ Mart’ - my translation of Luis Toledo Sande's Cesto de llamas. Biograf’a de Josˇ Mart’. La Habana: Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, 2000 -
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El presidio pol’tico en Cuba

Mart’Õs Revolutionary Oratory

ŅNuestra AmˇricaÓ


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